2014年6月12日 星期四

一個簡單提升解析度的速度估測法則 A simple velocity estimation method for micromouse

Motion control is a very important part for a micromouse.

The following is a simple but effective velocity estimation method with 2 integrators, velocity feedback, and position control for micormouse to increase resolution beyond difference traditional difference method.

The following figure show the comparison of the proposed method and the traditional difference method for velocity estimation by using position values obtained from encoders as an input command for a servo control loop.  The input signal of an integrator whose output is used as estimated position values is treated as the estimated velocity.

The top 2 plots show the results of no scaling of encoder inputs, which means no fractional part is kept in the calculation when implementing the algorithm.  The lower plots shows the results of using 3 digits to represent the fractional part during calculation.

It is clearly seen the superiority of the results which kept fractional part during calculation.

迴圈線迷宮(looped line maze)的搜尋與路徑簡化

迴圈線迷宮(如下圖),專指一個由直交線段組成的迷宮中,包含「迴圈」的路徑。在每年教育部主辦的「 電腦鼠暨智慧輪型機器人競賽 」中,屬於高中職與大專組的「 線迷宮鼠 」競賽活動。規則請參考以下連結  https://sites.google.com/gm.lhu.edu.tw/20...