To get a clean estimate of 'head angular velocity' (The place where my Beetle robotracer is controlled to follow the line), I need a clean body angular velocity.
基於使用 PD 控制來調整循跡時的角速度,我試了兩個方法,一個是用編碼器濾波後的兩輪速度信號相減 (右輪減左輪),另一個是使用陀螺儀。
Based on PD control algorithm to adjust the angular velocity command to follow the line, I tried two methods to obtain the body angular velocity. The first one is to use filtered encoder signals (right wheel velocity - left wheel velocity), and the other one is to use gyro signals.
It is a pity that both methods are not good enough, and the experimental results are shown in the following figure.
I am afraid that I have to use gain scheduled proportional control based on the line following error to reach my goal.
My experiences in designing micromouse and robotracer. 分享製作電腦鼠與自走車的經驗。
文章 (Atom)
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